Right on schedule?

The Lord God almighty has established a path for each an every human being. A path which has a starting and an end. Like the products in a provision store where each one meets a specific need so is man who is not just brought into existence but there is a thought out course that the creator has for each person.That speaks volumes as in no one in the face of the earth is a biological mistake. Believe or not the creator has a blue print of our lives which is supposed to play out in our lifespan.

Just like a traveller, the journey of our lives has a timeline. It has a beginning and the end. We are not in control of the beginning and the end of the same but we are major determinants of what happens to our lives in between this two beacons of our lives.It is therfore incumbent upon us to constantly be in touch with the holder of our blue prints if we are to make sense of our existence.

The questions that we ought to ask ourselves as individuals is; Am I on schedule in the journey of life? How far am in in the execution of my blue print?

Kindly note that there are issues that can ensure a traveller is right on schedule and the opposite is also true. Preparedness, patience,focus and determination are just a few catalysts that ensures timeliness while uneccesary stopovers,unskilled driver,accidents and road blocks can derail or even stop the journey.

For the child of God to accomplish his/her purpose in life, one needs to be focused, determined,courageous,skillfull, prepared and so on and so forth.

Could it be true that many of us have not began the journey yet? Could it also be true that some have stopped on the way? Could also be true that many are lost on the way? Could it be true that many are not interested with the purpose of God in their lives? Could it be true that many have been stolen by the enemy the devil and are now serving his purpose? Could it true that many have rested and died without knowing their purpose in life?


When the prodigal son in the scriptures realised his mistakes and found his way back to his father, from the story we can tell that he made the right decision for his life was not the same again.(Luke 15:11-31)

Some of us might be just like the cripple in at the Beautiful gate proccupied with what others can do for them. It is not until he met the servants of God John and Peter and the word of life was proclaimed over him that his life made an about turn. (Acts 3:1-10)

The heroes of faith in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 were not special in nature indeed the bible says that they had weaknesses just like any of us, but they had the courage and faith to live for the purposes of God.

Today we can ask the Lord to show us the path of life and give us courage, strength, the joy and focus to walk through.

Moses prayed this prayer to God,

“If you are pleased with me,teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you……” Exodus 33:13

You can pray the same prayer too.


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